Highly lethal suicide attempts

Suicide is a common cause of death. Every year, around one million people across the world die of suicide. It remains the biggest external cause of death in our country (Spanish National Institute of Statistics - INE, 2017). It is estimated that suicide attempts (SA) are 10-20 times more common than suicide. Within a broad spectrum of suicidal behaviour, we find highly lethal SAs (those which are closest to suicide).

Medically serious suicide attempts (MSSA) or highly lethal suicide attempts (SA) are characterised by the fact that they present a serious organ compromise, regardless of their psychiatric severity.

MSSAs, in the broad spectrum of suicide attempts, are the closest to consummate suicide, being two populations with overlapping characteristics. MSSAs also have greater risk of death by suicide compared to low lethality suicide attempts.

Intents de suïcidi d'alta letalitat a Vall d'Hebron
Autoria: Vall d'Hebron
Data de creació: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Data de modificació: 31.01.2022, 13:44

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Responsable: Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron - Institut Català de la Salut.
Finalitat: Gestionar el contacte de l'usuari
Legitimació: Acceptació expresa de la política de privacitat.
Drets: Accés, rectificació, supresió i portabilitat de les dades, limitació i oposició al seu tractament.
Procedència: El propi interessat.