Healthy life

Good health habits can help with preventing illnesses and improving quality of life. A lifestyle free of smoking and which looks after mental health is a key part of this process. It has a direct influence on well-being, personal balance and quality of life. This depends on the daily habits and lifestyles people keep up.



We at Vall d’Hebron aim for a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, regardless of whether or not a person has an illness.

Mental Health

Mental health does not mean lack of any mental disorder. It is a state of well-being where a person is aware of their own capacities, can deal with life's tensions, work and make a contribution to their community. Mental health problems are certainly more common than people realise. If fact, one out of every four of us will experience such problems throughout life.

Everyone has mental health, just as everyone has specific physical health. Both change with the passage of time and, as with our body, our mind can feel a variety off states ranging from well to unwell.


How to avoid anxiety and depression

Controlling these symptoms can be complicated but we need to try to keep them sufficiently low so they have no negative influence on our daily life. They can even be made to disappear, with perseverance.

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How to help a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

They are noted for having persistent, recurring thoughts that generally turn out unpleasant, known as obsessions. These thoughts, what is more, cause repeated actions or rituals which are used “as a means to deal with” such obsessions, known as "compulsions".

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Non-smoking lifestyle

A healthy life is one that is free of tobacco and drugs. Hence the importance of giving up smoking to improve our health, irrespective of our age or medical history. Giving up smoking will improve your health and the health of those around you.

Tobacco is a legal drug that is addictive and has many stimulating effects on the nervous system, posing numerous health risks.

No fumar

How to stop smoking?

Remember, when trying to give up smoking, that a healthy life does not include tobacco. We therefore offer you a list with ten tips on how to give up smoking.

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No recaure

Benefits from giving up smoking

We’ll tell you all about the ten main benefits from giving up smoking to enjoy a health life.

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Evitar fumar

No relapsing once you've given up smoking?

Once you’ve given up smoking, it is essential you keep your guard up against relapsing. We therefore provide you with ten tips on how to avoid relapses.

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How to prevent teenagers from consuming cannabis?

Parents are the cornerstone for prevention; they play a key role in minimising the risk factors of consumption and in strengthening the protective factors, to teach them to be less vulnerable to every risk situation they may encounter throughout their lives.

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The science of nutrients and food substances as well as how the body assimilates them is the precise definition of nutrition. But it goes much further, as it enables us to maintain our internal conditions, development and movement, and to maintain our organism’s balance.

Menjar saludable

Dietary guidelines for people who have suffered a stroke

Individuals who have had a stroke may experience issues such as difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), decreased sensitivity to heat, changes to their sense of smell or taste, and/or difficulty handling cutlery. In these cases, a change of diet is in order, along with the introduction of techniques that facilitate eating and help avoid episodes of choking.

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Menjar saludable pauta

Recommended diet for people with Crohn's disease

A healthy diet is the basis for a healthy body. Although diet is not the sole cause of outbreaks of the illness, it is important that patients with Crohn’s disease have a balanced and varied diet, with foods rich in iron, calcium and proteins. The body needs to receive all its necessary nutrients, to achieve a better immunological response. This sheet contains basic tips on a varied and balanced diet.

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Digital health

Digital health is well-being relating to the digital world that surrounds us and puts us at its centre, regarding the use of smartphones and social networks, among other things.

Mans utilitzant el móvil

Making proper use of mobile phones

Mobile phones have become an indispensable tool for many people. Are you aware, however, of the time you spend on them? In some cases, prolonged use of a mobile phone can put you in a risk situation where you end up dependent on that device.

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Hygiene includes all the measures aimed at preventing infections and the appearance of infectious diseases. It is based essentially on cleaning, disinfecting and conservation.

Rentat de mans

Basic hygienic habits

Personal hygiene and body care are two very important factors for enjoying good health. They are essential for protection against diseases and infection. Body care helps people to feel well both inside and outside and to enjoy a better quality of life.

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