Hospitalització per a Infants i Adolescents


Responem als principals dubtes i preguntes que plantegen els i les adolescents sobre el seu pas per l’hospital.

Adolescent activitat

What will my stay in hospital be like?

From the first moment you come to the hospital there is a team of professionals to take care of you and are always available to attend to your needs. You can ask them any questions you have.

You will also be fitted with an ID bracelet that you must wear during your stay in hospital and it will be removed on the day you leave.

Someone will always be with you in the room (parents or legal guardians).

You may have a room to yourself or you will share it with another boy or girl about your age.

During your stay in hospital, you can read, watch TV and do any other relaxing activity in your room.

You can have your cell phone and computer with you, but remember always to use them according to the hospital rules.

While in the hospital, will I be able to be with my family members?

During your hospital stay, someone will always be with you (parents or legal guardian).

If at some point, they have to leave you by yourself, they must consult the hospital staff.

Will my friends be able to visit me?

Yes, you can receive visitors from 12 noon until 9 pm.

Please bear in mind that during these times only two people can be in the room with you. After 10 pm, only one person can be there.

If you have brothers and sisters, and they want to come visit you, they can do so too. If they are under 12 years of age, the parent or legal guardian must inform the care team.

While I am in the hospital, will I be able to attend classes?

Yes, you can attend classes through the Hospital Classroom.

There are 5 primary and secondary teachers in this service. You will have morning classes in all the school subjects and content you need.

You can choose to do the lessons alone in your room or in small groups in a classroom. You can also take the class at the dialysis unit if you need to.

What will they do to me while I'm in the hospital?

While you are in the hospital, the medical team will visit you at a specific time, to see how you are and how you feel.

This medical team will always tell you what is happening and answer your questions.

Members of the nursing team will also come to your room to give you any treatment you need.

They will always explain to you first what they are going to do to you and they will ask you if you have any questions.

They will also encourage you to get involved and participate while they take care of you.

Can I leave the room?

Yes, you can leave the room for a while, but remember only to walk around the floor your room is on.

Is there any space for recreation in the hospital?

Yes, the hospital has game rooms which have a variety of entertainment materials to amuse yourself with.

There are also two leisure spaces: Espai Barça and Ciberaula.

Espai Barça has a small set of stands a pitch with artificial turf and a goal. The space has two video consoles and a large television. It is in the lobby of the Children's Hospital.

In the Ciberaula there is a team of volunteers: clowns, magicians, and others who organise various entertainment activities.

If the parent or legal guardian accompanying you has to leave for a while, we have volunteers who can stay with you to keep you company and make you laugh a little.

The Ciberaula is on the 1st floor of the Children's Hospital.

What will they give me to eat?

All meals are prepared in the hospital kitchen and they bring them to your room.

It might not be exactly like what you eat at home, but it will be good. Every day you have 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner. They always bring them to you at the same time. Timetables can be adapted if, for example, you suffer from diabetes.

Can I bring my mobile phone? And my laptop?

Yes, you can have your mobile phone, but it must always be on silent mode to respect the peace and quiet of the hospital.

If you share a room with another person or you are in a common space, it is better not to talk on the phone. If you must speak, do so in a low tone of voice so you don't bother anyone.

Remember that the only times you can't use your phone is while the care team is in your room and after 10 pm. Remember also that there are spaces in the hospital where you’re not allowed to use a mobile.

You can also have your laptop in the room. Try to always have it in silent mode or at a low volume. You can use it until 10 pm.

What day will I be able to go home or back to normal?

You will be able to return home when the care team decide that you can be discharged. They will always tell you beforehand so that you can get ready to go. Normally, discharges take place before 12 noon.

Before leaving, you will be given a medical report and, if you need it, a nursing discharge report and prescriptions. They will also give you a schedule of medical visits that you will need to follow after you leave hospital.

If you need an ambulance to get home, the care team will ask for it.

Before you leave, don't forget to gather up everything you brought from home.

Creation date: 09.01.2023, 09:16
Modification date: 18.12.2023, 13:54
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