CSUR The Spanish Health Ministry grants this accreditation to centres that successfully pass a process that confirms the degree of compliance with common and specific standards. Among the requirements are the need to address patients' rights, the implementation of a quality assurance programme and the establishment of an annual audit plan. For a centre, service or unit to receive "reference" accreditation, a high level of knowledge and expertise in pathologies, techniques and procedures must be demonstrated. It is also necessary to prove a certain volume of activity and to ensure that the necessary equipment and staff are in place to provide quality care to patients. The CSURs of the Spanish National Health System should provide nationwide coverage, multidisciplinary care, ensure continuity of care at different stages of life, evaluate outcomes and provide training for other professionals. List of CSUR accreditations Adult and child Ataxia and hereditary paraplegias Complex glomerular diseases Congenital coagulopathies and related diseases Congenital metabolic diseases Complex hypothalamic-pituitary pathology Complex reconstruction of the ocular surface Keratoprosthesis Congenital spinal cord failure syndromes Critical Burns Exstrophy-epispadias complex (bladder exstrophy, epispadias and sewer exstrophy) Family heart disease Hereditary angioedema Hereditary Eritropatology Imported tropical diseases Lung transplant Mastocytosis Multiple Sclerosis Neuromuscular diseases and rare diseases Primary immunodeficiencies Rare diseases that occur with movement disorders Reconstruction of the auricle Systemic autoimmune diseases Adult Autoinflammatory diseases in adult patients Comprehensive care for adults with congenital heart disease Orbital tumors Pelvic osteotomy in adult hip dysplasia Sarcomas and other musculoskeletal tumors Treatment of resistant osteoarticular infections Removal of electrodes in adults Aortic Valve Preserving Surgery in Adults Pediatric Childhood heart transplant Paediatric orthopedics Complex paediatric neurosurgery Comprehensive care of the baby with complex heart disease Neuroblastoma Paediatric complex pulmonary hypertension Paediatric kidney transplant Paediatric liver transplant Sarcomas in childhood Severe childhood kidney disease and dialysis treatment Paediatric allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation Arrhythmias in paediatric age Complex oesophageal atresia Paediatric complex liver diseases