Nursing: intensity of care and areas of clinical knowledge

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The Nursing Department is made up of a large number of professionals. They have all helped between them to make Vall d’Hebron Hospital a benchmark in the world of healthcare, both in the field of care and in teaching and research.

Hence the commitment to a new care-management model arranged according to area of knowledge and intensity of care. This also represents, at the same time, a cultural change in the organisation, which will have several stages of implementation.

The main goal in this transformation is to improve continuity of care, giving way to the territory and helping patients with their health problems by employing a 360º-degree multidisciplinary approach. By managing the intensity of care, there is an opportunity to connect health professionals. This will allow us to achieve better health outcomes, based on new competencies and improvements in our teams.

Intensity of care and areas of clinical knowledge

Intensity of care is the result of the study based on scientific nursing evidence. In other words, this model places the patient at the very centre, and the tasks are assigned according to the direct needs of each patient. Based on the risk data and the standard of care, a formula is being devised to assign a weighting to each standard care plan (SCP).

The patients are divided into four groups, based on their needs:

  • Intensive care
  • Intermediate care
  • Intensification care
  • Acute care

Nursing at Vall d’Hebron

Our nurses are primarily focused on patient safety, as well as the implementation of clinical practice improvement guidelines. Vall d’Hebron has helped to strengthen nursing research, giving it value and raising its visibility whereby the institution’s main value is its acquisition of further knowledge to improve every day in our work

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