A socially responsible hospital

Trust, professionalism, quality, humanity, innovation, transparency and social commitment are some of the values that define Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. With our values always present, we work to be recognised and to consolidate ourselves as a reference centre with an ethical, sustainable and socially responsible management model, placing our raison d'être at the centre: health.

At Vall d'Hebron, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is linked to the culture of the institution, so that it is integrated into the management model in a transversal way. This means that all professionals play an active part and contribute to its development through the nine strategic lines of the Hospital.

The CSR Operating Committee is responsible for promoting the CSR culture and overseeing its proper implementation at the Hospital, ensuring compliance with the CSR Functional Plan.

The CSR Functional Plan is structured into 7 axes, which form the framework for all the action plans we carry out in this area. These axes are also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations General Assembly is based to address the major challenges we face as a society.

These are the axes of the CSR Functional Plan and the SDGs to which they contribute:

Corporate ethics and good governance

Working on a governance model based on transparency and commitment to create an ethical and socially responsible organisation. Management committed to values, which it makes evident in the development of its actions.

ODS Peace, justice and strong institutions
ODS Partnership for the goals

Social and community commitment

Voluntary responsibility to act for the benefit of society and the community close to the institution, looking after their welfare and needs.

ODS Good health and well-being
ODS Reduced inequalities
ODS Partnership for the goals

Sustainability and environment

Commitment to care for the environment in each of the activities of the institution. Implementation of improvements in the processes to become a more sustainable institution.

ODS Sustainable cities and communities
ODS Responsible consumption and production
ODS Climate action


Improving the relationship with our professionals, favouring motivation, talent retention and people's wellbeing. It also includes a commitment to equal opportunities, diversity management and respect for human rights.

ODS Good health and well-being
ODS Quality education
ODS Gender equality
ODS Decent work and economic growth
ODS Reduced inequalities
ODS Peace, justice and strong institutions


Implement and monitor responsible public procurement and contracting practices. Work with suppliers aligned with responsible management philosophy.

ODS Responsible consumption and production


To develop actions and projects based on curing the emotional wellbeing of patients, their families and our professionals.

ODS Quality education
ODS Peace, justice and strong institutions
ODS Partnership for the goals


Promote innovation in the institution in order to be a benchmark institution in this field.

ODS Good health and well-being
ODS Quality education
ODS Industry, innovation and infraestructure
ODS Partnership for the goals

As a responsible and ethical organisation, we consider transparency to be the key to good management. This commitment is patent in our Strategic Plan: the pillar that supports and guides all our activity for the coming years.

Discover the plan

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