Innovation at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital

Innovation has become consolidated in the health sector, facilitating the work of professionals and making patient care faster and more efficient. The commitment of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital to innovation allows us to be at the forefront of medicine, providing first class care adapted to the changing needs of each patient. This commitment is also reinforced by the different advisory and support organs that we have in the Campus, which drive and guide the development of new healthcare solutions.

The Hospital Innovation Unit

The Innovation Unit of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, with a multidisciplinary team, promotes and leads transversal innovation in the Hospital. Therefore:

  • We facilitate, drive and guide innovation, advising on key areas, coordinating transformation proposals and involving different departments. 
  • We encourage creativity, execute projects and establish financing methods, reporting results. 
  • We accompany professionals during all phases of the innovation process, benefiting both the patient and the hospital.
  • We coordinate the different teams oriented to innovation.

Our ultimate goal is to promote and embrace the innovative spirit throughout the hospital.

Featured innovative projects

Usuari fent servir un smartphone per notificar incidents


Project co-created with patients to establish an incident notification circuit for hospitalized users with the aim of improving quality and safety.

Professional sanitari realitzant una reanimació cardiopulmonar

Advanced CPR

Assistant to support the care teams in the monitoring of protocols for Advanced CPR. Winner of the Jo innovo 2023.

Professional sanitari parlant amb pacient

Fall prevention

Mechanical device that detects when a fragile patient gets out of bed and alerts the nursing team to help and accompany the patient, preventing falls and other risks.

Professional sanitari parlant amb pacient adolescent que es troba hospitalitzat

Socio-emotional support for adolescent patients

Project co-created with adolescents to design a socio-emotional support program during long hospital stays.

Professionals i pacients reunits

Patients and innovation

From the Innovation and Patients Stable Working Committee we are co-creating the protocols and regulations to facilitate citizen participation in innovation processes.

The Office of Innovative Public Procurement

The vision of being leaders in innovation also applies to public procurement and, for this reason, the Innovative Public Procurement Office was created. The initiative allows us to introduce a new formula to improve patient health outcomes, sharing the risk of the cost of the purchase with the supplier according to the results obtained.

Some of the services purchased are Drassanes Exprés, a project for early diagnosis and rapid response for sexually transmitted diseases; 3D-LAB, a 3D prosthesis printing system; One Step Ictus, a technology and approach to streamline and improve stroke care; and the future cyclotron that will be located in the new research building of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR).


How do we promote innovative culture?

Innovation Week and the Jo innovo ideas competition are two initiatives to promote innovative culture among professionals throughout the Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus.

Activitat sensorial durant la Jornada Jo innovo de 2023

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