Paperwork, steps to follow

Here you’ll find all the documents you need to handle bureaucratic procedures at the hospital. We explain the steps you’ll need to follow and the ways to request them.

Request for clinical documents

To request information or a copy of your medical history, you must be properly identified, depending on the situation:

  • When the documents belong to the person making the request: ID card of the requesting party. In the case of foreign patients, the residence certificate, passport or any other official document that can identify the person.
  • When the documents do not belong to the person making the request: ID card of the requesting party and the ID card of the owner of the information along with a letter of authorisation.
  • When the documents belong to a minor: ID card of the requesting party and the parents or carers, as well as the family book; if this is not possible, a document accrediting guardianship of the minor is required.
  • When the documentation belongs to a deceased person: for cases involving deceased patients, the death certificate must be presented. In any case, the person requesting the documents should contact the Legal Medicine Department, where they will ask for any ID documents they deem appropriate.

How to request it:

  • In person: at the Documentation Request Unit (on the 12th floor of the Woman's Hospital) or at Citizen's Advice Office, at the Traumatology Hospital (on the ground floor). From Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • By email:, attaching your ID card.
  • By post: Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Servei d’Arxiu i Documentació, Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 119-129 08035 Barcelona.
  • By telephone: call 934 893 000 and dial extension 3607.
  • By fax: 93 489 31 29

You can pick up the documentation at the Documentation Request Unit or, if you prefer, we can send it by registered mail.

Proof of a medical visit

For patients

If you need a proof of stay in the hospital, you can ask for it:

  • Monday to Friday from 8 am to 3 pm at the hospitalization secretary's office on the floors and from 3 pm to 10 pm at the Admissions Unit located on the first floor of the General Hospital.
  • Weekends and holidays from 8 am to 10 pm at the Admissions Unit (first floor of the General Hospital).
  • At the Emergency Unit, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

You must present a legal identification document such as ID card, NIE, passport or driver's license. 

If you have received care in the hospital without hospitalization (emergency, outpatient clinics, tests...) you can download the proof of visit through the app El Meu Vall d'Hebron.

For accompanying persons

If you have accompanied a person admitted to the hospital, find more information here

In the case of people accompanying visits to outpatient clinics, tests, day hospital or analysis, you must request the proof of visit the same day at the secretary's office of the department where the patient has been attended. 

Registering your baby in the Civil Registry

You can register your baby at the hospital, as we have the Civil Registry Service. To do the registration you will need the birth certificate that will be given to you after the birth. For more information on how to do the paperwork you can access the Baby Registry

Advance healthcare directives

This is the document that is addressed to the doctor in charge, in which you can express instructions related to your healthcare if, when the time comes, you are in a situation where you can not give such instructions yourself.

You can also appoint a representative to act as an interlocutor with the healthcare team, if you are not in a condition to express your preferences. If you need more information, please check with hospital staff or any of the Citizen’s Advice Service points at the hospital.

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