The Vall d'Hebron mission

Vall d’Hebron University Hospital is a healthcare services institution referent in Catalonia, focused on people and open to society. Our mission is to contribute to improving the health and life quality of citizens at all stages of life, generating, sharing and transferring useful knowledge that allows progress in society and the healthcare system. We offer highly specialized, humane, safe, comprehensive, collaborative and sustainable care, through the commitment and expertise of our professionals, the most advanced technology, learning and continuous improvement.




Transplant coordination



Highly specialized surgery



We will guide you throughout your visit to the Hospital

We make life easier. We will give you all the information you need and tell you about the procedures that you will need to undergo during your stay at the Hospital and once you have returned home. 

Farmacèutica entregant un medicament a un pacient

The human talent of the Hospital


Inauguració del nou edifici del VHIR

The President of the Generalitat inaugurates the new VHIR building


A 17,000 m2 space dedicated to research, innovation and teaching, which is open to the public.


Vall d’Hebron University Hospital is the sum of four hospitals: the General Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Women’s Hospital and the Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital. We are a reference centre for the healthcare area of Barcelona Nord, which includes five districts of the city of Barcelona and a population of over 430,000. We also work together with primary care centres in Barcelona and offer specialised services.

Hospital General Vall Hebron

The General Hospital

The General Hospital works across all medical specialities and most surgical specialities for adults. Specialised in serious illnesses and clinical cases of the highest degree of severity and complexity.

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Hospital Traumatologia

Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

We treat all pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and processes that cause disability, especially those of high complexity.

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Hospital Infantil

The Children’s Hospital

The Children’s Hospital focuses on the child in order to offer comprehensive healthcare. We have been internationally recognised as a children’s hospital of excellence, and are also a leading player in Catalonia.

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Hospital de la Dona

The Women’s Hospital

The Women’s Hospital puts the woman at the centre of everything, always respecting her wishes while providing a highly complex healthcare service without the mother or baby needing to be transferred to another maternity centre under any circumstances.

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