Hospitalització per a Infants i Adolescents

Petits i petites coneixen l’hospital

Presentem l’hospital i l’equip assistencial als més petits i petites. Amb aquest conte entendran què significa estar malalt i com l’hospital els ajudarà a curar-se.

Passadís de l'Hospital Infantil
Hi, Maria. Hi, Joan.
Welcome to Vall d’Hebron Hospital.
You’re going to be spending a few days with us, and we want you to be comfortable.
We’ll start by introducing ourselves.
We're the team of professionals who will be taking care of you in this time. You’ll see many of us while you're at the hospital.
Do you know why?
We want to take care of you. We may look at your belly, examine your throat or check how you walk.
Because this way we’ll find out why you’re not feeling well and we can take care of you.
The hospital is where people like you come to feel better. You’ll see that it’s very big. But you’ll be in a special place, where there are only kids like you.
Chances are that some days you might be nervous or a little scared, or have questions.

When this happens, you can tell us and we’ll help you.
You’ll always have family members with you in your room.
You can read stories, bring your pencils and draw, sort the trading cards you like so much and bring some of your toys.
But be careful, don’t overcrowd the room...
We’ll bring your food to your room.

It might not be exactly like what you eat at home, but it will be good. You'll let us know when you taste it.
Right now, we don't know how many days you’ll be with us, if you’ll be resting in your room or if we’ll have to operate on you.
But we promise you that we’ll always explain what’s happening and answer your questions.
Welcome to Vall d’Hebron Hospital.
Creation date: 09.01.2023, 09:14
Modification date: 18.12.2023, 13:54
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