Vall d'Hebron Research Institute PhD Programme 2023 Open Call

The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute makes its own and open call for a doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting early-stage researchers with a special interest in biomedical research.



This call is intended to enable the training of research staff in the research groups within the environment of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

DURATION: 4 years


  • Candidates should not have a PhD. Candidates must be in possession of a university degree and a master’s degree with a minimum of 300 ECTS  of official university studies at the time of applying to the grant.
  • Candidates acceding to a PhD programme through the “Formació Sanitària Especialitzada” (FSE) will not be eligible.
  • Candidates must have finished the Master’s degree between 1st January 2022 and the closing date of application submission.
  • Candidates must have obtained a minimum average grade of the academic record of the studies of degree equal to or higher than 7.
  • Candidates must have the pre-admission to a doctoral studies programme at the time of starting the grant.
  • Candidates must enrol on the doctoral studies programme in the first official enrolment period, no later than September 2024.
  • Candidates must not have held a PhD contract exceeding twelve months in any research institution previous to this application.


  • Eligible PIs should have a PhD.
  • PI should have an active competitive project at the time of application.  
  • The project must be managed by VHIR and funded with ≥20.000€.
  • PIs will not be able to present a candidature if they are hosting a PhD researcher from a current VHIR institutional PhD fellowship (unless being in the last year).
  • Research groups may only be awarded with an institutional PhD fellowship per year.
  • As long as they meet the requirements, IPs from the awardee groups will be able to apply for the following call.


Applications must be formalised by the applicant in his/her own name and interest and must be submitted by email to with the following subject: “VHIR PhD Call 2023 – Name of candidate”.


  • Excel Template
  • Detailed curriculum vitae of the candidate in normalised format (i.e CVN).
  • Bachelor's degree diploma.
  • Academic certificate with the average grade of the bachelor's degree. In the case of studies carried out abroad ANECA certification.
  • Master’s degree diploma or proof of payment fee.
  • Academic certificate of master's degree studies, including average grade and termination date.
  • First page of the publications and/or page(s) where the authors contribution appears.
  • PDF document that accredits the candidate’s internship periods.
  • PDF document that accredits the candidate’s Erasmus+ internships.
  • PDF document that accredits other merits: dissemination activities, prizes, grants, certificate of languages, attendance to seminars or scientific congresses, including poster presentation in VHIR, etc.)
  • If applicable, accreditation for the exceptional extension of the evaluable period.


2nd October 2023 at 14h - Official deadline call


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Subscriu-te als nostres butlletins i forma part de la vida del Campus

L’acceptació d’aquestes condicions, suposa que doneu el consentiment al tractament de les vostres dades personals per a la prestació dels serveis que sol·liciteu a través d’aquest portal i, si escau, per fer les gestions necessàries amb les administracions o entitats públiques que intervinguin en la tramitació. Podeu exercir els drets esmentats adreçant-vos per escrit a, indicant clarament a l’assumpte “Exercici de dret LOPD”.
Responsable: Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (Institut Català de la Salut).
Finalitat: Subscripció al butlletí del Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus on rebrà notícies, activitat i informació d’interès.
Legitimació: Consentiment de l’interessat.
Cessió: Si escau, VHIR. No es preveu cap altra cessió. No es preveu transferència internacional de dades personals.
Drets: Accés, rectificació, supressió i portabilitat de les dades, limitació i oposició al seu tractament. L’usuari pot revocar el seu consentiment en qualsevol moment.
Procedència: El propi interessat.
Informació Addicional: La informació addicional es troba a