ECMO Program

An opportunity for some patients with heart failure or severe respiratory disease for whom conventional therapeutic measures are no longer effective. A multidisciplinary team of experts and state-of-the-art technologies provide extracorporeal life support, with a better clinical context and more time for the patient’s recovery. The personalised focus ensures comprehensive care, including emotional well-being for patients and their families. In its commitment to excellence, the ECMO Program combines care, research and innovation, establishing Vall d’Hebron as an international leader in specialised treatments and human care.

What is ECMO?

It is an extracorporeal device that is highly effective in substituting lung and heart functions with a centrifuge pump and oxygenator. It is a highly complex therapy, available in few hospitals, which can be applied to certain critical patients with a risk to life and when conventional therapy is no longer effective.

L'Aisha, a l'UCI pediàtrica de Vall d'Hebron



Awake ecmo adult

ECMO 'Awake' and rehabilitation

ECMO therapy allows the patient to be woken and start early rehabilitation, while the affected organs recover or while awaiting a donor. The aim of the strategy is to optimise the patient’s return to normal life.

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ecpr ecmo


Extracorporeal resuscitation. This is the use of ECMO in patients with refractory cardiac arrest and it is one of the most complex and innovative applications in this field. We are leaders in Catalonia and the world in clinical, organisational and research fields.

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donacio ecmo

ECMO and donation

ECMO therapy is sometimes not enough to maintain clinical stability and provide a good prognosis. In such cases, the therapy can help provide a chance of donation for some patients.

equip operacio ecmo

Lung transplant

ECMO therapy plays a very important role as a bridge to surgery for critical patients and in providing postoperative support. It facilitated the lung transplant for the first case of Covid-19 in Spain and also provided postoperative support for the world’s first patient to receive the innovative robotic technique.

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300 ecmo

300 ECMO

We have carried out over 300 ECMO procedures on paediatric and neonatal patients. A child with acute myocarditis became patient 300 in the Paediatric and Neonatal ECMO Program, which we started in 2002.

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Trasllat ecmo pediatric

Transport in ECMO

Sometimes children are admitted to other hospitals that do not have ECMO but urgently need support with this therapy. We go out to them with all the necessary materials and personnel. We start the ECMO therapy and transfer the patient to Vall d’Hebron. We are leaders in Catalonia and Spain.

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Awake ECMO

ECMO 'Awake'

Patients on ECMO for a long period can benefit from being awakened. By doing so, we reduce loss of muscle mass, remove invasive devices and minimise the risk of infections. The patient can also talk to their family and the health team. In the paediatric ICU, we are pioneers in Spain and international leaders in this strategy.

Sol solet

'Sol Solet'

Some patients on ECMO in the Paediatric ICU can be taken outdoors. This stimulates both motor and cognitive rehabilitation and family relations in a different setting.



We work together with the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute to apply medical advances from our laboratories to patients on ECMO therapy to improve their quality of life. Today’s research is tomorrow’s health. Meet our research groups!



The teaching of our professionals is meticulous; it is multidisciplinary, highly practical, simulation-based and in line with ELSO recommendations. We have a range of training levels adapted to patients’ needs and configured to match the competencies of the different professionals. In addition, programme leaders participate in the training of other professionals through rotations and fellowships at our hospital, and through training activities at institutions expressing an interest.



The ECMOBARNA course has become an international benchmark in ECMO education. It is a comprehensive, modular, multidimensional and largely practical course, applying a variety of educational tools, such as high fidelity simulation. This is the only ECMO course in Spain that has ELSO certification. It is a yearly course and places are limited to ensure a teacher-student ratio in line with recommendations.

equip ecmo pediatric


The ECMOPED course is aimed at physicians (paediatricians, intensivists, house officers and others) and nurses, in line with our belief that both groups of professionals form a team around the ECMO patient and require shared knowledge to coordinate actions and provide the best possible results for the patient.



ECMOBARNA 2024- curs teòric- pràctic d'oxigenació per membrana extracorpòria

Aula Vall d'Hebron

Secretaria Tècnica activitats formatives externes
tel: 693.785.436

11/12/2024 - 09:00
Assistència del pacient crític
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