Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR 'Unveiling Epigenomic Vulnerabilities in Diffuse Midline Glioma: Paving the Way for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches'

 Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR
  Sala de juntes de l'Edifici Central del VHIR (Planta 0) — Veure al mapa
22/01/2025 -- De 12:00h a 13:00h
Organitza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial i en línia

Speaker: Dr. Fátima Valdés Mora. Head research group Cancer Epigenetic Biology and Therapeutics, Children’s Cancer Institute. Sydney

Diffuse midline glioma (DMG) is the most aggressive brain tumour in children, with a median survival of less than one year and with no cure. DMG is an epigenetically driven cancer, where more than 85% of the cases are characterised by a global loss of the repressive epigenetic mark, histone 3 trimethylation at the lysine 27 (H3K27me3). This is caused by a single somatic mutation in the histone H3, called H3K27M, or by the overexpression of the developmental gene EZHIP, a natural mimic of H3K27M, and subclassifies these DMGs as “H3K27-altered”. Unfortunately, the epigenomic landscape of H3K27-altered DMG is far from been completed and thus epigenetic therapies tested in DMG to date have not been rationalized based on such information. Valdes Mora group’s mission is to complete the epigenomic landscapes on H3K27-altered DMGs, not only in the cancer cells but also in the cells from the tumour microenvironment (TME). Ultimately, we aim to use research-informed epigenetic therapy to target both the cancer cells and the cells from the TME as a novel therapeutic strategy for H3K27-altered DMG.

Host: Dr. Aroa Soriano Fernández.  Main researcher. Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders (VHIR)

 enllaç online:

  • Id. de reunión: 328 374 306 139
  • Código de acceso: 9rv3Yw7x

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