LEADERS Transplants at Vall d'Hebron For over four years, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital has been the Catalan hospital carrying out the most transplants and one of the most active centres in organ and tissue donation. Our results in both numbers and survival are proof of the expertise honed over more than 40 years of activity. 7,353 7K Total transplants 3,527 4K Kidney 2,010 2K Liver 1,725 2K Lung 91 91 Heart 1,131 1K Paediatric Transplants SERVICES Transplant programme Vall d’Hebron University Hospital is the only centre in Catalonia with adult and child transplant programmes. Additionally, we are a reference centre for lung transplants (adult and children), and paediatric kidney, liver and heart transplants. Paediatric transplant Adult transplant Organ donation Organ and human tissue transplants are often the only alternative for many patients. These interventions would not be possible without organ donation, a voluntary, altruistic, charitable, generous, confidential, free and non-profit act. Organ donation also involves a team of professionals where each of its members' functions is of vital importance in order to offer patients a second chance on the waiting lists of transplants. The most important thing about organ donation is the generosity and solidarity of the families of the donors who, with their gesture, give a gift of life and hope. 2021 was very positive for Vall d’Hebron. The percentage of use of organs that were extracted to transplant was over 80% in each of them, achieving an average of 88%, while in the rest of Catalonia it was 78%. Also, as a significant figure, in the same year, 1 out of every 3 valid corpse donors were between 61 and 70 years old. DONATION AND TRANSPLANTS Coordination of Donation and Transplant Programmes Its mission is to lead, integrate and optimise donation and transplant processes. They work to offer maximum guarantees of quality, safety and efficiency, with the aim of achieving a high level of health guarantees and an improvement in quality of life of the patients who need a transplant. Know more ORGAN DONATION Catalan Transplant Organisation OCATT [Organització Catalana de Transplantament] is the organisation responsible for planning, organising and coordinating activities related to the extraction, preservation, distribution, transplant and exchange of organs and tissues for therapeutic purposes in Catalonia. Know more