Health and well-being

Improve your quality of life through prevention and well-being and by dealing with the various situations that occur throughout life. We offer you resources for looking after yourself in every respect, to be healthier.

Higiene de mans

Prevention in health

We promote both individual and collective health, by encouraging people to adopt healthy lifestyles through health-focused information, communications and education.

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Vida saludable

Healthy life

Good health habits can help with preventing illnesses and improving quality of life. A lifestyle free of smoking and which looks after mental health is a key part of this process.

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Dona posant-se gel hidroalcohòlic

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus

We offer you full practical information to clear up any queries on Covid-19 plus tips for staying well during this situation.

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Healthy travel

Every journey represents a unique experience, so recommendations will vary according to features. Even so, we offer you practical information for such situations.

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Burns can present differently according to their cause, size and state. That is why their prevention and treatment are very important.

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Dona somrient

Women’s health

Gender remains an important social determinant in community health, which is why women's reproductive and sexual health is clearly different from men’s.

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Responsible entity: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Catalan Institute of Health).
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