Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed tumour in adult men in developed countries where there is a long life expectancy. It is an atypical and uncontrolled growth of the cells that make up the prostate gland. 

If left untreated, the cancerous prostate cells can end up spreading to and invading distant parts of the body - especially lymph nodes and bones - and cause secondary tumours through a process known as metastasis.

Due to widespread knowledge of this tumour in the general population and the ease with which suspicion is established, 90% of cases in Spain are diagnosed when the cancer is still at a localised stage. This diagnosis is established by means of a blood analysis and rectal examination.

Càncer de próstata Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 13:23
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