We are the combination of four hospitals: the General Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Women’s Hospital and the Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital. We are part of the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus: a world-leading health park where healthcare plays a crucial role.
Below we will list the departments and units that form part of Vall d’Hebron Hospital and the main diseases that we treat. We will also make recommendations based on advice backed up by scientific evidence that has been shown to be effective in guaranteeing well-being and quality of life.
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The commitment of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital to innovation allows us to be at the forefront of medicine, providing first class care adapted to the changing needs of each patient.
The goal of the Infectious Diseases Department is the prevention, control and treatment of these diseases, through three main areas: care, teaching (both undergraduate and postgraduate), and research (between the Vall d'Hebron Hospital and the Autonomous University of Barcelona).
At the Infectious Diseases Department, our care is structured into the following areas: hospitalisation, outpatient care, nosocomial infection control (infections contracted during a hospital stay), prevention and treatment of infection in HIV- immunodepressed patients (with solid or haematological neoplasia, bone marrow transplant or solid organ); international health and imported infections, and the HIV+ patients ward.
Our Department handles approximately 10,000 outpatient visits a year. There is also a day hospital where all types of prolonged antimicrobial treatments can be carried out, as well as a large number of diagnostic tests, in order to reduce hospital admissions.
In the hospitalisation division, between 550 and 600 patients are admitted a year, with an average hospital stay of about nine days. We admit immunodepressed patients with serious infections or requiring clinical isolation, as well as patients with serious infections that can be helped by our specialised care.
The priorities of the nosocomial infection control division are to identify and reduce the risk of transmission of especially complex infections and to ensure effective treatment. This latter aspect is key across all of the Department’s areas of care. Antimicrobial treatments are complex and one of the main responsibilities of the group is to ensure that they are administered as accurately as possible. To this end we are careful to constantly carry out a cost-benefit assessment.
Monitoring of infection in immunodepressed patients, both for HIV and others, is handled by two wards that treat patients with especially complex, serious infections, bearing in mind the type of infection and number of patients being treated at the Hospital. We aim to provide comprehensive care, handling prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious pathologies, especially opportunistic infections, that this type of patients suffer. One example is the Anal Dysplasia Unit in the HIV+ population, inaugurated in 2009 for the prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of anal cancer secondary to chronic infection by the human papilloma virus.
The international health and imported infections division, which works in coordination with the Tropical and Imported Diseases Unit of the Drassanes primary care centre and various local NGOs, is dedicated to providing overall care for patients affected by these infections. Thanks to telemedicine, we make regular contact with the regional Nossa Senhora da Paz Hospital in Cubal (Angola) to carry out joint sessions.
The Infectious Diseases Department was created in 1996 and consists of 14 doctors on staff, with resident doctors, predoctoral and postdoctoral doctors carrying out research and other key healthcare professionals all a part of its structure. The main characteristic of the Department, therefore, is our transversality. We firmly believe in the importance of having members of the Department collaborate with the different medical and surgical teams of the Hospital, both in terms of healthcare and research.
The portfolio of services offered by the Infectious Diseases Department responds to the health needs of the population and the demand for services generated at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, guaranteeing accessibility, equity and quality of care, in a way that satisfies the expectations of the clients following the strategic lines of the Catalan Health Institute.
Open hospitalisation ward in infectious diseases
These wards are used to treat patients with systemic infections acquired in the community, including:
Sepsis and primary bacteraemia
Zoonoses with organic complications
Parasitosis requiring hospital admission
Febrile syndromes of unknown origin with severe systemic repercussions
Organospecific infections requiring hospital admission due to systemic or organic repercussions
Day hospital
This area cares for patients with infections acquired in the community, offering treatment with acute clinical symptoms.
Outpatient Clinic for Infectious Diseases
This area covers:
Prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of dysplasia and rectal and anal cancer in the HIV-positive population
This is a specific clinic included in the Pere Virgili Health Park, integrated into the policy for treatment of the HIV positive population.
Hospital combined clinics for infectious diseases
This area handles patients with any type of systemic or organospecific infection, nosocomial or acquired in the community, whichever part of the body is affected and in immunocompetent or immunodepressed hosts, whatever the cause. It includes the differential diagnosis of community and nosocomial febrile syndrome.
Nosocomial infection
Includes the following activities:
Care programmes in the Primary Care area
The Infectious Diseases Research Group of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute carries out clinical research that is closely linked to the care we provide, and which groups together the various Research Areas. We should also highlight our animal experimentation laboratory, within the Vall d'Hebron University Research Institute, which allows us to experiment and obtain results using various animal models, with the ultimate goal of trying to improve the prognosis of various serious infectious pathologies in humans. The current lines of research are:
These lines of research are externally funded through research projects funded by the pharmaceutical industry or by public entities, as well as receiving funding as a member of thematic cooperative research networks organised by the Carlos III Health Institute (REIPI and RIS).
Teaching represents a major part of the Department's activity. We collaborate and foster basic and continued training for students, professionals undergoing training (resident doctors) and predoctoral students in the area of knowledge of infectious diseases. This work is carried out both as part of hospital work and in academic and research activity.
It includes the following activities:
Infectious diseases
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