Sr. Fran Garcia Morales

Institutions of which it is part

General Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Cross-departmental services

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Sóc llicenciat en periodisme i en filologia anglesa i en el Programa IESE d’Alta Direcció en Institucions Sanitàries. La meva passió és la meva professió. Des de fa quasi 25 anys em dedico al món de la comunicació i des de fa 10 estic especialitzat en temes de salut i recerca.


He estat Director de Comunicació del Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca i cap de Premsa i Relacions Institucionals del Campus Vall d’Hebron. Ara tinc l’honor de ser el Director de Comunicació amb un gran equip que treballa per fer possible que Vall d’Hebron i els seus professionals siguin reconeguts com el centre sanitari de referència a Catalunya, l’Estat Espanyol i Europa.
Fran  Garcia Morales


General Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Cross-departmental services

Communications Management, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology

Director of Communications, Corporate Strategy and Citizens Advice

Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Director/a d'Àrea

Communication Unit

Communication Directorate

Notícies relacionades


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