Recommendations for patients for face-to-face consultations

Here you’ll find all the information to keep in mind if the specialist consultation you have scheduled will be done face-to-face.

About using mask

Bringing the mask is not required, but it remains recommended in the following situations:

  • People with respiratory symptoms.
  • Patients and companions who remain in emergency waiting rooms, regardless of their symptomatology.
  • Patients and companions who remain in common and shared spaces of Intensive Care Units and Units with vulnerable patients.

With regard to the other facilities and services of hospitalisation and external consultations, it's important to mention to patients who are immunodepressed or who have conditions that make them susceptible to serious respiratory infection.

Arriving at the hospital

Màquina per passar la targeta sanitària

Swipe the health card

Enter through the main entrance of the building. You will find the health card swipe machine in the entrance hall. The machine will give you a ticket with your turn number.

Sala d'espera de consultes externes

Wait in the waiting room

Head to the waiting room and wait your turn. When your turn number appears on the screen, it will show you the number of the consultation room that you need to go to.

General indications

Consulta mèdica pacient i acompanyant

A helping hand

Only one companion per patient is allowed. At the Children's Hospital minors can be accompanied by two people.

Hand hygiene

Wash your hands frequently.

Febre simptomes

If you have symptoms such as coughing, fever, breathlessness or general malaise

Cancel the visit by calling (+34) 933 780 000 and go to your Primary Care Centre (CAP).


Internal transport on the premises

To move around the Vall d’Hebron campus, you can use the Hospimòbil internal transport service. The Hospimòbil runs from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and from Monday to Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. During the month of August, it only runs from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

It is exclusively for chronically or temporarily disabled persons. Please respect the rules of use.

Download the route

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