Somos la suma de cuatro hospitales: el General, el Infantil, el de la Mujer y el de Traumatología, Rehabilitación y Quemados. Estamos ubicados en el Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, un parque sanitario de referencia internacional donde la asistencia es una rama imprescindible.
Te detallamos los servicios y las unidades que forman parte del Hospital Vall d'Hebron y las principales enfermedades que tratamos. También te ofrecemos recomendaciones basadas en lo que la evidencia científica ha demostrado eficaz para garantizar el bienestar y la calidad de vida.
¿Quieres saber cómo será tu estancia en el Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron? Aquí encontrarás toda la información.
La apuesta por la innovación nos permite estar en vanguardia de la medicina, proporcionando una asistencia de primer nivel y adaptada a las necesidades cambiantes de cada paciente.
People with obsessive compulsive disorder have persistent and recurring thoughts which are generally unpleasant, known as obsessions.
These thoughts lead people to carry out repetitive actions or rituals which help them cope with the obsession. These are known as compulsions. Examples of compulsions would be: excessive hand washing, religious behaviour (such as saying a prayer exactly 15 times to stop something bad happening), counting and checking things (e.g. making sure the door is closed, the gas is off, etc.).
People with OCD very often feel that something bad will happen if they don’t carry out these compulsive actions and so they feel "obliged" to do them. This creates a great deal of anxiety and distress, as they feel it is their responsibility to stop bad things happening.
They may withdraw from the activities of daily life or completely avoid them due to fears produced by their obsessions or compulsive behaviours.
They may also have difficulty with daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing themselves, etc. and experience a high level of anxiety.
Following specific recommendations can help you to live with or overcome obsessive compulsive disorder.
However, if this advice is not enough and the disorder gets worse, you should speak to a PSYCHOLOGIST AND/OR A PSYCHIATRIST, who can complement it with other types of treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy or medication.
To try to reduce or eliminate compulsions or rituals:
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