
Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection is defined as the presence of invasive bacteria in the urinary system, together with signs of inflammation, such as high temperature and local pain.

Urinary tract infections may be located in the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra), or the upper urinary system, affecting one or both kidneys. A kidney infection is also known as pyelonephritis. 



infecció d'orina Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 15:38
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Acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis consists of an acute inflammation of the liver that makes the liver not work properly. This is normally brought on by a virus, pharmaceuticals or other toxins.

The symptoms are very varied and often go unnoticed. The most common are fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, muscle pain and fever. Occasionally, a yellow tinge appears in the whites of the eyes and the skin (jaundice), and urine becomes dark in colour (choluria). Symptoms may persist for one to three months before recovery. Hepatitis B and C may become chronic.

Hepatitis Vall d´Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 31.01.2022, 11:17
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Skin cancer

Sun exposure is the major predisposing factor in all types of skin cancer, although in the case of melanoma there may also be a genetic predisposition.

The skin is exposed to all external factors, acting as a barrier and protection. Ultraviolet rays from solar radiation have the capacity to alter skin cells and transform them into cancer cells. There is a correlation between the degree of exposure to ultraviolet rays and the probability of having skin cancer. People with fairer skin also have greater predisposition than those who tan well after sun exposure. 

Càncer de pell Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 17.05.2023, 11:19
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Pneumonia is an infection of the lung tissue.

Depending on the extent of pneumonia in the respiratory tract, different types are identified:

  • Lobar affects a lobe of a lung.
  • Segmental affects a single segment.
  • Bronchopneumonia is when inflammation is spread across the bronchi or bronchioles.
  • Interstitial is when the pattern is more diffuse across the whole of the pulmonary parenchyma.

It can be caused by many different microorganisms, although the most common causes are S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and Mycoplasma.

Other microorganisms that can also cause pneumonia include Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophila, Chlamydia pneumoniae and some viruses.

Pneumònia Vall d'Hebron.png
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 13:16
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There are two very different types of otitis, both of which children can suffer from: external otitis and middle ear infection.

External otitis affects the auditory canal and is above all related to exposure to swimming pool, bath and fresh water in general. It is most common in summer.

Middle ear infection is related to infections in the upper respiratory tracts, and can be self-limiting (it resolves itself in most cases) or purulent requiring antibiotic treatment It is most common in winter.

Otitis Vall d Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 13:05
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Scleroderma is an autoimmune disorder characterised by increased collagen in various body tissues, structural alteration of microcirculation and certain immune abnormalities. The term scleroderma comes from the Greek “skleros”, which means hard, and “derma”, which means skin. This indicates that skin hardening is the most characteristic feature of the condition. As well as the skin, it can also affect the digestive tract, lungs, kidneys and heart. The prognosis varies. There is currently no cure, but the condition can be treated with general measures and treatment of symptoms, depending on the organs affected.

Esclerodèmia a Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 13:32
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a respiratory disease that leads to obstruction of airways. The main symptoms are coughing, hawking and difficulty breathing, requiring particular effort. Although it can be due to other reasons, it is mainly caused by exposure to tobacco smoke. The main treatment is bronchodilators administered using an inhaler. 

MPOC Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 31.01.2022, 12:45
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Rare factor deficiencies

Rare factor deficiencies are a group of inherited clotting disorders caused by a deficiency of one or more clotting factors. Clotting factors are involved in a series of reactions to prevent bleeding. Within this set of deficits, factors I, II, V, V + VIII, VII, X, XI or XIII are considered to be affected. 

Although in general they do not usually produce spontaneous bleeding, surgery or invasive procedures require prior evaluation of the patient and consideration should be given to administering the appropriate treatment according to the type of procedure and the type of deficit.

Deficiències de factor poc comunes Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.02.2022, 13:29
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Arthrosis is a degenerative process characterised by lesions of the cartilage in joints. A joint is the area where a bone connects with another bone, allowing movement. Cartilage is a tissue that covers the joints, acts as a shock absorber for impacts, and also allows the joints to move without friction. Normally, this condition appears in the spinal column, neck, hip, knees, and hands.

Artrosi Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Maria Pascual Pastor
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 01.12.2022, 11:22
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Essential thrombocythemia

A rare chronic blood disease that is slow to develop.   It is characterised by increased platelet production and is associated with greater risk of thrombosis (clotting) and bleeding. Patients with essential thrombocythemia are usually asymptomatic and it is detected during routine blood tests. There is currently no cure for this condition and treatment is targeted at preventing complications.  It is included within the group of chronic myeloproliferative disorders, which are a type of blood cancer that is slow to develop. Its cause is not known, although there are mutations known to be associated with the condition in 80% of cases. It is not hereditary, but some families may have several members affected by it.

Trombocitèmia essencial a Vall d'Hebron
Authorship: Vall d'Hebron
Creation date: 17.12.2021, 10:03
Modification date: 31.01.2022, 13:24
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