Sra. Núria Peñuelas Peñarroya

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I am a predoctoral student in the Neruodegenerative group at VHIR. My research focuses in elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind the neurodegenerative process occurring in a recently in-house developed mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.


My scientific career started in 2016 when I joined the Chromatin and nuclear architecture in stem cells group, at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo in Norway. Financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports within the framework of the Erasmus + Program I performed my Bachelor thesis, where I learnt molecular biology techniques (i.e. cell culture, western-blot, immunohistochemistry, real-time quantitative PCR and chromatin immunoprecipitation).

In 2017 I started my Master thesis in the Neurodegenerative diseases group at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and received the Extraordinary Master’s Prize for my Master’s Degree in Neuroscience at the University of Barcelona. My research was focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind the neurodegenerative process occurring in a recently in-house developed mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. After receiving training in animal experimentation, I acquired experience in laboratory animal manipulation and experimentation techniques.

In 2018 I started my PhD in the Neurodegenerative diseases group (VHIR) following the same research project. During these four past years I have learnt more laboratory techniques (i.e. laser-capture microdissection, RNA quality assessment, transcriptomic microarrays, stereology cell counting) as well as data analysis with R software. Within my PhD project I have performed a research stay at the Research Division of Molecular Neurobiology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm during 2 months to stablish a new protocol for the specific isolation of single nuclei where I have learnt single-nuclei isolation and flow cytometry techniques. Also during my PhD, I have regularly shared my results with the scientific community in a wide range of national and international scientific congresses.
Núria Peñuelas Peñarroya

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