Sra. Beatriz Villafranca Magdalena

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I am a PhD student in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I am developing my thesis project in the group of Biomedical Research in Gynecology at Vall d´Hebron Institute de Recerca (VHIR) under the supervision of Dr. Eva Colás. My research focuses on the study of endometrial cancer, specifically, in the search of personalized treatments for the most aggressive and recurrent cases; in addition to elucidating the impact of intratumoral heterogeneity on the response to treatment.


I am a proactive, self-motivated and hardworking predoctoral student in the field of biomedical research in Ginecology. I am interested in translational projects with application in clinical and pharmaceutical industries.

I have studied Biochemist and Molecular Biologist in Rovira i Virgili University (URV, Tarragona) and a MSc in Neuroscience in Barcelona University (UB). During these last
years, I have picked up the capacity to develop scientific projects in both basic and
applied biomedical research. Furthermore, I have lived both national and international experiences, which made me get robust communication skills and strong critical thinking.

During my university studies I have developed a great interest in the field of
Oncology and Ginecology through subjects like Signaling and control of cellular function and Cellular Biology. I have also gained insights in cellular and molecular biology techniques such as immunohistochemistry, western blotting and PCR by doing several internships which provided me with an overview of what research means. I am also familiarized with PDXs and I am starting now with cell cultures, specifically, organoids.

Currently, I am focused on the study of personalized treatments for the high-risk and recurrent endometrial cancers. Besides, I am also involve in a project to elucidate the impact of intratumor heterogeinity in the response to treatment, and thus, in recurrent patients.
Beatriz Villafranca Magdalena


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Predoctoral researcher

Biomedical Research in Gynaecology

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