Quiròfan de Vall d'Hebron


Here you will find a summary of the key figures on Vall d’Hebron University Hospital activity in 2023, the year in which levels of hospital activity were fully restored. A year in which we continued to build the new Vall d’Hebron, working with the region and investing in professional development.

Our figures






Outpatient appointments












Accredited places for residents

Our stories

El Dr. Antonio San José

Good results in chronic patient care

The programme to improve the treatment plan for patients with heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease produced great results.

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Equip que ha realitzat el primer trasplantament completament robòtic del món.

First completely robotic-assisted lung transplant in the world with a new surgical approach

The use of robotic surgery allowed us to replace the traditional 30-centimetre incision in the thorax with small incisions measuring just a few centimetres

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Leaders in cancer care

First centre in Spain accredited by the OECI as a comprehensive cancer centre

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The new Vall d’Hebron

Progress in constructing the new Vall d’Hebron continued. The year 2023 was a key year for the hospital, with the launch of new facilities such as the Children and Adolescent Mental Health hospitalisation ward, the "One StepIctus" department and the Trauma Center, as well as completion of the refurbishment work in the emergency department. New and refurbished facilities, innovative state-of-the-art technology, serving patients and improving working conditions for professionals.

New hospitalisation ward in the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Area

Thanks to this new facility, for the first time all children and young people in Barcelona requiring admission for a mental disorder can be admitted to a care facility in the same city.

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One Step Ictus: pioneering stroke care technology

One Step Ictus transforms patient care for ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke by concentrating treatment in a single direct access ward, thereby reducing times from the moment of arrival in the Emergency Department to receiving treatment.

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Trauma Center, dedicated care for polytrauma patients

This is an area covering 814 m² on floor -1 of the Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital which houses all the equipment necessary to treat urgent polytrauma patients, whatever the degree of severity.

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Remodelling the Emergency Department

The project is based on two pillars: implementing a new management model and improving spaces to make them more welcoming. This two-part approach helps speed up care, reduce patient admission times and offer comprehensive, flexible and personalised care in a friendlier environment.

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Friendly hospital

The ‘Friendly Hospital’ innovation and improvement programme includes refurbishment work, innovation and projects to produce a friendlier environment that seeks to impact on the emotional well-being of patients and their families, improving their experience. The programme is funded by individuals, companies and organisations who make this type of initiative a reality.

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