2nd PhD Day Vall d'Hebron

  Sala de actos de la planta 1 del Pabellón Docente — See in map
12/07/2024 -- From 08:15h to 19:00h
Organize :
Vall d'Hebron Intitut de Recerca i Vall d'Hebron Institut d'Oncologia
Modality: Presencial

8:30h - 9h Registration desk

9:15h - 9:30h Welcome

9:30h - 10:30 h Short Talks

Andrea Férriz Gordillo, Neuromuscular and Mitochondrial Pathology, VHIR

In vivo role of respiratory CINDUFA10 subunit in dNTP homeostasis

Laura Carrillo Bosch, Gene Expression and Cancer, VHIO

Pre-clinical models to study Tumor Microenvironment

Emily Betancourt Fernández, Molecular Medical Imaging, VHIR

Advanced Imaging: The Power of PET

Andreu Òdena Bermudo, Experimental Therapeutics, VHIO

Patient - derived models for translational breast cancer research

10:30h - 11h Coffee break

11h - 12h Short Talks

Ariadna Grinyo, Growth Factors, VHIO

CAR T cell production: From the laboratory to the patient

Elisa Marín Ordovás, Clinical Neuroimmunology, VHIR

Development of iPSC - based humanized models to study oligodendroglial pathology and remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis

Laia Peralba Parada, Hereditary Cancer Genetics, VHIO

Identifying Phenotypic Evidence in Patients with DNA Repair Defects

Juan Garrido Oliver, Cardiovascular Diseases, VHIR

Improving risk stratification of EVAR patients using deep learning applications with CT data

12h - 13h Keynote talk

Dr. Daniel Truhn, MD, MSc, Head of Radiology at RWTH Aachen University

Foundation Models - the Beauty and the Beast

13h - 14h Lunch

14h - 15:30h Panel Discussion: Careers in Academia and Industry

Irene Marco Rius, Junior group leader, “la Caixa” Foundation - BIST Chemical Biology Programme at IBEC

Evan Floden, CEO of Seqera labs

Maruxa Martínez, Digital media and Scientific affairs at PRBB and Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Malte Beringer, Grant Consultant, Scientific Editor and Trainer

15:30h - 16h Coffee break

16h - 17h PhD Day Thesis Contest

Ana Belén Moreno Cárdenas, Biomarkers and Clonal Dynamics, VHIO

Biomarkers and Clonal Dynamics From DNA to Action: Innovating Genomic Platforms for Predicting Immunotherapy Response

David Ramirez Gomez, Gene Therapy at Nervous System, VHIR

Alzheimer’s retreat: a multifactorial treatment to remember

Maria Fariña Morillas, Cancer Computational Biology, VHIO

Targeting epigenetic synthetic lethality for cancer treatment

Verónica Villagrasa Araya, Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy, VHIR

Engineered extracellular vesicles for improving the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders

Paula Galván Blasco, Systemic Diseases, VHIR

Biomarkers of anaphylaxis

Setareh Kompanian, Hereditary Cancer Genetic, VHIO

Enhancing Diagnostic Rates for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer through Whole Genome Sequencing

Anna Behr, Gene Therapy at Nervous System, VHIR

Every Life Matters: Innovative Therapy against Rare Rebel Gene

Fabio Giuntini, Models of Cancer Therapies, VHIO Controlling the Cancer Accelerator: Targeting MYC & Beating Lynparza’s Resistance

17h Closing

17:15h - 19h Networking Only for PhD students at Centre Cívic Casa Groga

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