Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR 'Development of Advanced Drug Delivery Systems for the Systemic and Local Treatment of Challenging Diseases'

 Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR
  Sala d’actes de la planta baixa de l'edifici Collserola del VHIR — See in map
13/12/2023 -- From 12:00h to 13:00h
Organize :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modality: Presencial
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Speaker; Dr. Diana Rafael, main researcher Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT) VHIR

Abstract: The constant development of new synthetic drug delivery systems in the last years have been highly contributing to the advancement of new treatments for a wide-range of challenging diseases, for which the conventional treatments are not efficient. The use of nanoparticles and hydrogels have been a breakthrough in clinical application, with hundreds of new products enrolling clinical trials and being approved in the clinical practice.
In the CB-DDT group we are experts in the development of new therapeutic strategies based on nanoparticles and hydrogels for several different clinical applications. This presentation will be divided in two parts: The first one dedicated to the most promising works regarding the development of nanoparticles encapsulating different drugs and biomolecules for the systemic treatment of different pathological conditions, and the second one dedicated to the most promising results regarding the use of biodegradable, smart hydrogels for cancer local treatment.

Bio Sketch: Diana Rafael, is a Principal Investigator at VHIR. She has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology (2017), and since 2013 she has been associated with the Clinical Biochemistry: Drug Delivery and Therapy Group from VHIR, where she initiated a research line dedicated to the production and characterization of Delivery Systems. Diana participated in more than 12 highly competitive national and international research projects and her research work originated 2 patents and more than 40 peer-reviewed publications. This year, Diana was granted with a Global Marie Sk³odowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Grant from the Spanish Association against the Pancreatic Cancer. Moreover, since January Diana has been implementing a new section within the FVPR/U20 platform of the Nanbiosis, certified by ISO9001:2015, dedicated to the synthesis and characterization of Nanosystems. 

Host: Dr. Ibane Abasolo, head of group Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT) VHIR

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