We are the combination of four hospitals: the General Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Women’s Hospital and the Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital. We are part of the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus: a world-leading health park where healthcare plays a crucial role.
Patients are the centre and the core of our system. We are professionals committed to quality care and our organizational structure breaks down the traditional boundaries between departments and professional groups, with an exclusive model of knowledge areas.
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The commitment of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital to innovation allows us to be at the forefront of medicine, providing first class care adapted to the changing needs of each patient.
Whether dealing with basic healthcare treatments or highly complex specialities, we focus on the child in order to provide comprehensive care. We are an internationally recognised hospital focused on children, and a leading centre in Catalonia.
How to get there
At the Children’s Hospital, we treat all medical specialities, from basic care to third-degree specialities. We are the children’s hospital with the largest capacity for dealing with complex paediatric conditions in Spain.
The Women’s Hospital puts women at the centre of healthcare, always respecting their wishes, providing highly complex care without requiring mother or baby to move to another maternity centre, whatever the circumstances.
We offer specific and advanced treatments in neonatology, paediatric transplants and cardiac surgery. We also specialise in areas such as cystic fibrosis and foetal surgery, and are the leading centre in oncohaematology, neurology, minority diseases, pulmonology, nephrology, burns and minimally invasive surgery.
We guarantee continuity of care with a multidisciplinary approach thanks to the connection with the other three Vall d’Hebron hospitals, from foetal stage to adulthood.
We carry out translational research. We take patients’ illnesses to the laboratories, which allows us to improve their diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, our doctors are also researchers who participate in numerous national and international projects, which means our patients are the first to benefit from the most advanced treatments.
Regarding highly complex paediatric care in long-term treatments, there is the Care Park, Oncology Day Hospital and Paediatric Haematology. Opened in 2015, it is the first area in Spain of this size and with these characteristics dedicated exclusively to caring for children with cancer. A 500 square metre facility with 12 treatment areas, four consultation rooms, a clinical trial unit, an examination room with anaesthesia support and an area where immunosuppressed children may be admitted.
We offer the highest levels of experience and knowledge at the service of children and their families based on a comprehensive vision of the patient, incorporating emotional support in order to improve the patients’ emotional quality of life.
We promote the participation of children and their families by teaming up with doctors to care for the disease and help the child overcome the challenge of integrating it into their day-to-day life.
In 2021, the Paediatric Multi-Purpose Day Hospital was opened, located in the same place as the previous Day Hospital, but with more space thanks to the area freed up by the transfer of old consulting rooms to the new Paediatric Outpatients’ Department, which opened on 18 December 2020. The facilities are designed to improve the quality of life of patients and their families by allowing testing and administration of parenteral medication without the need for hospitalisation.
Complex chronic patients (e.g. primary or secondary immunodeficiencies or minority diseases), chronic patients (e.g. diabetics or asthmatics) and finally acute patients, which are those requiring one-off treatment or care or a diagnostic test, are treated.
We are the reference women’s hospital. We deal with everything from basic care to advanced treatments in high-risk pregnancies, foetal surgery or prenatal diagnosis.
We believe in the need for proximity between mother and child, which is why we always give priority to breastfeeding and encourage the family and children to spend as much time together as possible.
We are also a reference centre for premature infants. We have the only NIDCAP-accredited public neonatology department and we are pioneers in the skin-to-skin kangaroo method.
The Women’s Hospital respects the mother’s wishes on how she would like to give birth, be it natural or medically-induced. And we are the only centre in Catalonia that can offer highly complex care without requiring mother or baby to move to another maternity centre, whatever the circumstances
We are also the leading hospital among breast pathology units (breast cancer) and gynaecological cancer (ovarian and uterine). And we are a leading centre in robotic surgery and minimally invasive surgery and leaders in implementing improvements in post-operative recovery in Spain and in endometriosis care in Catalonia.
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