News All the latest news and information about the care, research, teaching and management we do at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Don't miss any details! Fulltext search Search An innovative simulator created in Vall d'Hebron helps to train professionals in ECMO 29/10/2024 The use of ECMO at Vall d'Hebron improves the survival of patients with cardiac arrest 17/10/2024 Waking up and doing rehabilitation with patients on ECMO helps them with recovery 12/02/2024 Vall d'Hebron holds the seventh edition of the ECMOBARNA training course in ECMO 16/11/2023 Dr. Ricard Ferrer is appointed associate editor at the journal Intensive Care Medicine 12/06/2023 Vall d’Hebron acull una sessió sobre els assaigs clínics en fetge gras no alcohòlicl 24/05/2023 62% of children with a ventricular assist device receive a new heart 03/05/2023 Vall d’Hebron achieves the first fully robotic lung transplant 17/04/2023 Three studies on ECMO published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 17/01/2023 Dr. Jordi Riera participates in an international analysis on the use of ECMO in COVID-19 18/08/2022 Vall d'Hebron participates in a study that shows that the prone position in non-intubated patients with severe COVID-19 improves their prognosis 23/08/2021 Vall d'Hebron begins two clinical trials to test a new system to filter blood and improve the evolution of COVID-19 and sepsis 05/05/2021 Great participation of professionals from Vall d'Hebron in the 2nd National Congress of COVID-19 12/04/2021 One in four patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19 suffers a thrombosis, which in many cases is asymptomatic 12/01/2021 Vall d’Hebron shows that ECMO can save the life of the most severe COVID-19 patients 15/10/2020 Vall d’Hebron participates in a multicenter study that accelerates the removal of mechanical ventilation 09/09/2020 Vall d'Hebron participates in two clinical trials against the coronavirus using Remdesivir 22/03/2020