News All the latest news and information about the care, research, teaching and management we do at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Don't miss any details! Fulltext search Search Renal Pathophysiology and Pediatric Nephrology awarded the best oral communication by AENP 25/06/2024 VHIR coordinates the CHANCE project to improve sexual and reproductive health in Angola 14/06/2024 A poor microbiome is associated with worse recovery from liver transplantation 07/06/2024 Més de 500 persones obren les celebracions del 30 aniversari del VHIR 02/06/2024 1st Vall de Hebron Ventures Summit 07/05/2024 Vall d'Hebron begins a citizen science project with adolescents and Parkinson's patients 10/04/2024 Vall d'Hebron develops a system to facilitate bladder washing after surgery 08/04/2024 We study fatty liver and cardiovascular complications with digital twins 19/03/2024 A study suggests the influence of diet on the composition and function of microbiota fungi 22/02/2024 Vall d'Hebron receives 2.6 million euros for research into advanced therapies 23/01/2024 The Fortalece - Health program awards €M 2.4 to Vall d'Hebron to promote research 08/01/2024 Interaction between the microbiota and the immune system influences type 1 diabetes 20/12/2023 The Official College of Nurses of Barcelona funds two Vall d'Hebron research projects 19/12/2023 Study identifies strategy to avoid resistance to cancer therapy 14/12/2023 VHIR receives a Joan Roget Award for Knowledge Transfer 28/11/2023 MiMARK Diagnostics closes a round with €4.22 M to impact on gynecological diagnostics 27/11/2023 Dr. Fuster explained the risk factors of atherosclerosis 24/11/2023 Resounding success of Vall d'Hebron's first PhD Day 23/11/2023 Manina Medtech closes a round to develop a medical device to improve IVF 06/11/2023 VHIR successfully passes CERCA evaluation 30/10/2023 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3 4 5 Next › Next page Last » Last page