We are the combination of four hospitals: the General Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Women’s Hospital and the Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital. We are part of the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus: a world-leading health park where healthcare plays a crucial role.
Below we will list the departments and units that form part of Vall d’Hebron Hospital and the main diseases that we treat. We will also make recommendations based on advice backed up by scientific evidence that has been shown to be effective in guaranteeing well-being and quality of life.
Would you like to know what your stay at Vall d'Hebron will be like? Here you will find all the information.
The commitment of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital to innovation allows us to be at the forefront of medicine, providing first class care adapted to the changing needs of each patient.
The World Health Organization aims to prevent the international spread of infectious diseases. For this reason, recommendations are issued to help prevent these diseases and to suggest the necessary vaccines according to the nature of the trip. It is important to take into account that the majority of these illnesses can be avoided.
When you are planning a trip you should bear in mind a number of risks so that you can enjoy a healthy trip and avoid getting an infection. You should think about:
Once the previous point has been assessed, it is a good idea to establish a series of preventive measures, in the following three stages:
1. Think about the condition of foods and drinks, as well as taking certain hygiene and safety measures, such as:
2. Climatological and physical factors must be taken into account:
3. You should consider the presence of insects and other animals (protection or barrier measures should be taken):
4. Bear in mind time zone changes (jet lag)
5. Do not forget prevention of sexually transmitted disease
6. It is important to respect the culture and customs of the countries you are visiting
Should the person who has travelled have any health issues after returning from the trip or during travel, it is advisable for them to be medically assessed (at a primary care centre or a specialised travel clinic).
Likewise, you are advised to have a medical evaluation three months after travelling, since there are diseases that do not manifest themselves immediately. Healthcare staff will also need to be informed of you having travelled to a tropical zone up to 12 months after having done so.
Centres vacunals
Vacunació internacional
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