Towards the end of the 1960s, the first steps were being taken towards the hierarchisation of Internal Medicine

The hierarchisation of Internal Medicine was set into motion by Dr Agustí Pedro Pons, who at the time represented the country’s modern internal medicine. His arrival was to mark a before and after for the Hospital, as it was to lead to a complete transformation of the medical organisation chart.

January 1968

In 1968, Dr Agustí Pedro Pons joined the hospital as Head of the Internal Medicine Department. Dr Agustí Pedro Pons was a prestigious doctor who had worked at the Hospital Clínic until he retired at the age of 70. It was then that he was persuaded to join Vall d’Hebron, where the management was looking for highly-regarded professionals to form a prestigious workforce.

Prior to this, at Vall d’Hebron there were internists who merely acted as consultants to the surgical services. Medical specialities just did not exist. There was only Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Maternity Clinic, under Dr Usandizaga, and Traumatology at the Traumatology Hospital, under Dr Ramón Sales Vázquez, and where neurology was later to be added. A small group of doctors with an interest in nephrology also joined the Traumatology Hospital, among whom was Dr Lluis Piera.

The Department of Surgery was also created at the same time, with Dr Díez Gascón, who came from the Military Hospital, as head of the department.

The Department of Internal Medicine started off with a group of internal medicine services, which was joined by Dr Joan Pedro Botet, the nephew of Pedro Pons, along with some doctors from Hospital Clínic who were starting to take an interest in different fields of medicine.

In 1971, Dr Agustí Pedro Pons passed away and was succeeded by Dr Joaquín Tornos Solano, who continued to develop the internal medicine department, structuring it into services and sections over the following decades.

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