Sra. Xana García Fernández

Institutions of which it is part

I am a Biology graduate with a special interest in neglected and parasitic infectious diseases. I am part of the Diagnostic Nanotools group (DINA) at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, where we work on the development of new diagnostic techniques for infectious diseases.


I graduated in Biology from the University of Oviedo (2022) and in the Master Zoonosis and One Health from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2023). During the master´s degree I specialized in the area of parasitology, specifically in malaria, which made me interested in this field. At the beginning of 2024 I started working as a research support technician in the Diagnostic Nanotools group (DINA), in a project for the development of new devices for the detection of respiratory viruses.
Xana García Fernández

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