Dr. Josep Quer Sivila

Institutions of which it is part

Soc investigador sènior del VHIR, especialitzat en Virologia. Des de 1989 he centrat els estudis en la recerca sobre la infecció pel virus de l'Hepatitis C (VHC) amb èmfasi especial en la diversitat viral, havent participat, el 1992, en la primera descripció de la naturalesa en quasispecies del VHC. Des del 2010, vam centrar la nostra recerca en l'ús de plataformes de seqüenciació de nova generació (NGS) per estudiar la diversitat dels genomes virals, especialment en el context de les hepatitis virals (A, B, C, D i E). Hem aconseguit patentar i traslladar a diagnòstic de rutina un mètode de classificació de subtipus i un altre mètode per reportar les resistències als tractaments antivirals contra el VHC. La seqüenciació completa del SARS-CoV-2 el març de 2020, ha permès fer un seguiment de genomes defectius en les variants que han dominat cada onada de SARS-CoV-2. En l'actualitat estem desenvolupant pipelines bioinformàtics per estudis de metagenòmica.


Senior Researcher at Vall d'Hebron Institut of Research (VHIR), Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus from 2021 (indefinite contract). Associate Professor at the Biochemistry and Molecular Department of the UAB from 2021 to present (3933001435 Y0LOU0146). Accredited researcher at CIBERehd (2010-prest). Accredited as Professor (Catedrático) from AQU (Generalitat de Catalunya) from 2023.
Academic background:
Bachelor in Biology from UB (1981-86).
PhD in Biology from UAB (1994) with extraordinary award.
Postdoctoral stay in the University of California at San Diego USA (1994-96).
Member of Ciberehd since 2007-act.
Associate Professor (AP) of Immunology, UB (1988-89); AP Medicine, UAB (2003-18); AP of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UAB (2021-pres.).
General Coordinator Master in "Translational Biomedical Research" VHIR-UAB (2020-pres.). Professor and coordinator of Module 1 Master in "Translational Biomedical Research" VHIR-UAB since 2014-pres.

Scientific and professional activities:
Projects: Since 2016, he has led 10 overlapping competitive financed projects, serving as the Principal Investigator (PI) in eight national projects and as the co-IP of the local-node in two European Union projects.
Thesis: 6 PhD thesis directed, and 3 under development.
Papers and reviews: 154 papers; 8 book chapters & 1 book published in 2023.
Meetings participation: 220, 66 of them as invited speaker.

Other merits:
Member Coordinator Committee “Strategic Plan for Tackling hepatitis C (PEAHC) Spanish Ministry of Health;
Treasurer Spanish Society of Virology (SEV) (2009-pres.);
Member of scientific societies (ESV;AEEH;SCB) and of Alliance for the Elimination of Hepatitis in Spain (AEHVE).
Organizing Committee of International Symposium Fundación Ramón Areces (2013); and SEV National Meetings (2013-2015-2017-2019-2022).

Impacts printed, digital, radio and TV. NGS-2010: 32 impacts; HCV-2015: 69 impacts; SARS-CoV-2 – 2020-23: 90 impacts.

Awards: Ciudad de Barcelona (1996); Best ideas Diario Medico (2015); Premi Ciència i Tecnologia Diari Regió7-Prensa Ibérica (2020).

Metrics: h-index:41 (scholar), 35 (WoS), 37 (Scopus); i10-index: 116; Citations (WoS): 8371; Views: >40000. ORCID: 0000-0003-0014-084X // WOS ResearcherID A-6741-2012 // SCOPUS ID: 7004592398

Social media:
Linkedin: Josep Quer
Twitter (X): @JosepQuerSivila / @VirusLabQ (Virus Lab by Dr. Josep Quer) / @HepatitisSEV
Josep Quer Sivila


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Main researcher

Liver Diseases

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