Dr. Ricardo Zules Oña

Institutions of which it is part

Cross-departmental services

Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology


I am Ricardo Zules, medical specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health working in Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology unit. I am in responsable of the hospital environment surveillance, prevention and control program. Also, I am part of the ambulatory consultation of vaccination.


I obtained the MD degre at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in 2014. In 2015 I completed a postgraduate program in health institution administration at the University of Americas in Quito. I was responsible for the Quality Unit at the Hospital General San Francisco in Quito-Ecuador in 2017.

I graduated as a specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health in May 2022 at the Hospital Univesitari Vall d’Hebron. During MIR, I completed the Master of Public Health at UPF-UAB that ended in 2020.

I have worked with the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) in Ecuador as a consultant for the WHO COVID-19 characterization project. I am currently a physician in the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology service of the Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron and responsible for the extended Preventive Medicine service of the Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta. In addition, I am a professor of the Master of Epidemiology with mention in Clinical Research at the Equinoccial Technological University in Ecuador.
Ricardo Zules Oña


Cross-departmental services

Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Predoctoral researcher

Epidemiology and Public Health

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