Congress: Translational research in HNSCC: New challenges for future therapies

  Sala d’actes de la planta 10 de l’Hospital General — See in map
02/12/2024 to 03/12/2024
02/12/2024 -- From 09:00h to 17:00h
Organize :
Drs. David Virós (Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, HUVH) and Matilde E. LLeonart (Head of the Translational Research in Cancer Stem Cells laboratory, VHIR)
Modality: Presencial
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Head and neck cancer is an understudied disease with a high relapse and mortality rate. Therapeutic modalities have not significantly improved since the last 40 years. Even though immunotherapy is providing promising results, currently it is only applicable to metastatic patients. Finding new therapies for HNSCC patients is the main objective and challenge for basic and clinical researchers. With the idea of promoting new challenges and future applications for medium term applicability to HNSCC patients.

December 2nd

09.00 h Benvinguda

Juan Pablo Rodrigo (University Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universidad de Oviedo)

Amancio Carnero Moya (Head of Lab Biomedical Institute of Sevilla (IBIS/CSIC) 

Coffee break

Eduardo Dominguez (Senior reseacher, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

Pablo Vergés Fort (Assistant Doctor Otolaryngology Department HUVH)

Diego Arango (Director of the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica CREBA, LLeida)

Irene Braña (Medical oncologist of the Head and Neck Cancer Tumour Group VHIO)

Lunch break

Marina Bataller (Researcher in the Biomedical research in cancer stem cells Group, VHIR)

Katerin Rojas (Medical oncologist of the Head and Neck Cancer Tumour Group VHIO)

Germaine Escames Rosa (Professor of Physiology Biomedical Research Centre, Universidad de Granada)

David Virós Porcuna (Head of Otorhinolaryngology Department HUVH)

Coffee break

Giovanni Blandino (Translation Research Coordinator CTC IFO/IRE; IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Italy)

Beatriz Cirauqui (Medical Oncologist, Institut Català d'Oncologia- Badalona)

Francisco José Hermida Prado (Senior reseacher, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universidad de Oviedo

December 3rd

Francesc Xavier Avilés (Clinical researcher, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona)

Salvador Aznar (ICREA Research Professor and Group leader, Institute for Research in Biomedicine; IRB Barcelona)

Santiago Ramón y Cajal (HUVH) (Professor, Pathology Department)

Coffee break

Matilde E. LLeonart (Vall d´Hebron Research Institute. Barcelona)

Xavier León Vintró (Clinical researcher, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Barcelona)

Ángel Carracedo Alvarez (Professor, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

Thematic round tables

  • Development of novel drugs for the clinic
  • Advances in immunotherapy
  • Biomarkers identification for early HNSCC detection

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