Sra. Esther Díaz Romero

Institutions of which it is part

Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Paediatric Oncology and Haematology

Nursing Supervisor

My career began as an Assistant Nursing Technician while studying nursing in 1986. I worked for 16 years as a Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Nurse at Vall d'Hebron Hospital. In 2009 and until 2012 I worked harmonizing nursing care standards participating in the development of standardized pediatric care plans and leading the implementation of the computer systems of the Nursing Workstation (Gacela Care) and Electronic Drug Administration (Silicon) at the Child and Woman Hospital. Hugely interested in the development of nursing professionals and team management, as well as the improvement of clinical practice and research in nursing care, I took over the nursing management of pediatric staff in the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Area in 2012.


Highlights qualifications, Postgraduate in Clinical Nursing and Relation Assistance, European University. Postgraduate certificate in Nursing Care Management at Pompeu Fabra University. Master's degree in Executive Hospital Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Pediatric clinical Nurse Specialist.

Co-author of publications in the area of pediatric nursing, and several scientific papers. I am involved in various research projects in the field of humanization of care and improvement of clinical practice.
I am a member of scientific societies in oncology i hematology area and Hematopoietic and Stem Cell Transplantation.
Esther Díaz Romero


Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Paediatric Oncology and Haematology

Nursing Supervisor

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