News All the latest news and information about the care, research, teaching and management we do at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Don't miss any details! Fulltext search Search FUTURO project to improve sexual and reproductive health of young people in Angola ends 30/10/2024 An innovative simulator created in Vall d'Hebron helps to train professionals in ECMO 29/10/2024 The use of ECMO at Vall d'Hebron improves the survival of patients with cardiac arrest 17/10/2024 Waking up and doing rehabilitation with patients on ECMO helps them with recovery 12/02/2024 Vall d'Hebron holds the seventh edition of the ECMOBARNA training course in ECMO 16/11/2023 Vall d'Hebron hosts a meeting on advances in pertussis 09/10/2023 Dr. Ricard Ferrer is appointed associate editor at the journal Intensive Care Medicine 12/06/2023 Vall d’Hebron achieves the first fully robotic lung transplant 17/04/2023 COVID-19 vaccine generates memory immune cells in lungs 12/04/2023 A Vall d'Hebron study finds a mechanism used by SARS-CoV-2 related to its transmissibility 03/03/2023 Three studies on ECMO published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 17/01/2023 Dr. María José Buzón co-chairs the GeSIDA congress with multiple Vall d'Hebron projects 01/12/2022 Dr. Jordi Riera participates in an international analysis on the use of ECMO in COVID-19 18/08/2022 A study shows that 40% of patients with monkeypox have complications requiring treatment 10/08/2022 Vall d'Hebron, a reference in care and research in enterovirus infection 29/12/2021 Simplification of antiretroviral treatment will improve the quality of life of HIV patients 10/10/2021 40 years since the first HIV diagnosis in Spain 07/10/2021 Dr. Maria Luisa Aznar is invited to a meeting with the President of Angola and King Felipe VI on the occasion of Vall d'Hebron research projects in the African country 27/09/2021 Vall d'Hebron organizes a round table on zoonoses at the Healthio Research Day at Expoquimia 13/09/2021 Vall d'Hebron participates in a study that shows that the prone position in non-intubated patients with severe COVID-19 improves their prognosis 23/08/2021 Pagination 1 2 Next › Next page Last » Last page