News All the latest news and information about the care, research, teaching and management we do at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Don't miss any details! Fulltext search Search Approved the first specific pill for postpartum depression in the United States 01/09/2023 A trial demostrates the efficacy of an oral drug for the prevention of chronic migraine 22/08/2023 Projects in pediatric hematology and oncology at the Iberian congress of the specialty 26/06/2023 Vall d’Hebron acull una sessió sobre els assaigs clínics en fetge gras no alcohòlicl 24/05/2023 Recruitment for a study on prevention of chronic malnutrition in Angola concludes 10/05/2023 Vall d'Hebron participates in a guide for clinical trials with drug combinations 04/05/2023 New marker enables discontinuation of unnecessary aspirin medicalization during pregnancy 29/03/2023 Vall d’Hebron inclou el primer pacient en un estudi pioner en teràpia CAR-T per al lupus 23/03/2023 clinical trial to evaluate the benefits of physical exercise in elderly people with cancer 01/03/2023 Dr. Lucas Moreno, new president-elect of the group in neuroblastoma in Europe (SIOPEN) 08/02/2023 Vall d'Hebron will develop medicines for children with a 3D printer 31/01/2023 Joan Petit Foundation donates €100,000 for childhood cancer research 01/12/2022 Vall d'Hebron and BCN Peptides demonstrate the efficacy of new drug to prevent metastasis 23/11/2022 Pulseras Candela renews its support to Vall d'Hebron's pediatric ependymoma research 25/10/2022 Vall d'Hebron presents 20 research projects at the SIOP 2022 Congress 04/10/2022 EPICKids project on the role of the Mediterranean diet in pediatric cancer 30/09/2022 Research on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult and childhood cancer 24/09/2022 SEHOP-PENCIL seeks to implement precision medicine in childhood cancer in Spain 22/09/2022 Two pediatric oncologists from Vall d'Hebron have been awarded at the SEHOP congress 21/07/2022 Two studies by the VHIR Child Cancer and Blood Disorders Group presented at ASCO Congress 03/06/2022 Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3 Next › Next page Last » Last page