News All the latest news and information about the care, research, teaching and management we do at Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Don't miss any details! Fulltext search Search Vall d'Hebron holds the seventh edition of the ECMOBARNA training course in ECMO 16/11/2023 Vall d’Hebron acull una sessió sobre els assaigs clínics en fetge gras no alcohòlicl 24/05/2023 SafeICP to create a smart monitor to non-invasively measure intracranial pressure 23/02/2023 Inauguration of the Advanced Clinical Simulation Centre 25/04/2022 The first of Vall d’Hebron Innovation and Science Week comes to an end 19/11/2021 Cerebrospinal fluid as liquid biopsy for the precise characterization and policing of medulloblastoma 27/10/2020