General Hospital

The General Hospital offers all the medical specialities for adults, and has a proven track record. Patient care is comprehensive and essential in the process of identifying the causes of the disease and its treatment.

The Vall d’Hebron General Hospital is a leading centre offering a wide range of highly complex medical and surgical services for the care of adult patients. It also plays a key role in the transition from paediatric to adult care, ensuring continuity of care for patients with chronic or complex conditions previously treated by the Vall d’Hebron Children’s Hospital. Such coordinated care ensures patients can progressively adapt to the adult services, improving their quality of life and long-term medical follow-up.

We are also a reference hospital for various accreditations. You can view them here.

Surgical Block

The General Hospital Surgical Block is one of the most modern and technologically advanced facilities in Catalonia. It has state-of-the-art operating theatres that incorporate high-precision imaging systems, robotic technology and tools for minimally invasive surgery. These facilities enable the medical teams to perform highly complex procedures with maximum safety and efficiency, reducing patient recovery times and minimising postoperative risks. The Surgical Block also integrates digital systems that facilitate coordination between specialities and efficient resource management.

Smart ICU

The General Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a pioneer in implementing the Smart ICU, a system that integrates connected medical devices and secondary use of data to improve the monitoring and treatment of critical patients. This innovation enables professionals to obtain real-time information on the patient’s status, optimise decision-making and personalise treatment to their clinical course. Thanks to this technology, complications associated with long ICU stays have been reduced and patient safety has been improved, favouring recovery and reducing hospitalisation times.

Emergency Care

With the completion of the work on the Emergency Department, the General Hospital has concluded the roll-out of a new emergency care model based on speed and efficiency. The renovated facilities are designed to streamline patient flows, reduce waiting times and improve coordination between different departments. The space has new triage and observation areas, and technology to provide more structured and efficient care. This new model has transformed care for emergency patients, improving both the patient experience and healthcare professionals’ response capacity.

One Step Ictus

The General Hospital has implemented the One Step Ictus project, a pioneering initiative that optimises care for patients with ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. The model concentrates the whole approach to stroke in a single direct-access room, in which diagnostic tests such as CT scans can be carried out, fibrinolytic treatments administered and, if necessary, endovascular interventions performed. This reorganisation shortens the time between the arrival of the patient and the start of treatment, improving prognosis and reducing neurological sequelae. One Step Ictus puts the General Hospital at the cutting edge of care for this pathology, offering patients the best possible healthcare response.


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