Somos la suma de cuatro hospitales: el General, el Infantil, el de la Mujer y el de Traumatología, Rehabilitación y Quemados. Estamos ubicados en el Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, un parque sanitario de referencia internacional donde la asistencia es una rama imprescindible.
Te detallamos los servicios y las unidades que forman parte del Hospital Vall d'Hebron y las principales enfermedades que tratamos. También te ofrecemos recomendaciones basadas en lo que la evidencia científica ha demostrado eficaz para garantizar el bienestar y la calidad de vida.
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La apuesta por la innovación nos permite estar en vanguardia de la medicina, proporcionando una asistencia de primer nivel y adaptada a las necesidades cambiantes de cada paciente.
Speaker: Dr Francesco Ciompi, Associate Professor in Computational Pathology and Research Group Leader at the Department of Pathology of Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
His main research focus is artificial intelligence for precision oncology in the area of pathology, with applications to discovery and implementation of predictive and prognostic biomarkers in immuno oncology, and computer aided diagnosis for large-scale digital pathology and multi-modal data.
As a guest lecturer at Radboud University, he has been the creator, main teacher and coordinator of the Master's course Intelligent Systems in Medical Imaging.
Dr Ciompi obtained his Master's degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa in July 2006 and the Master's degree in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence from the Computer Vision Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in September 2008. In July 2012, he obtained the PhD (cum laude) from the University of Barcelona. In 2013, he joined Radboudumc as a postdoctoral researcher and since 2016 he is co-leading the Computational Pathology Group of Radboudumc.
He is the receiver of several Dutch and European grants, including a prestigious VIDI personal grant from the NWO to improve immunotherapy treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, grants from the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), leading the high-risk project PROACTING and principal investigator of the COMMITMENT project, and from the EU, leading the work package on artificial intelligence in the BIGPICTURE and the ExaMode projects, and leading development of AI for computational pathology in the IMAGIO and HEREDITARY projects.
He is the main organizer of the TIGER challenge, of the COMPAY workshop at the MICCAI conference, member of the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer and of the editorial board of Nature Portfolio's journal Communications Medicine.
Host: Dr Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Head of group Translational Molecular Pathology (VHIR)
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