Somos la suma de cuatro hospitales: el General, el Infantil, el de la Mujer y el de Traumatología, Rehabilitación y Quemados. Estamos ubicados en el Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, un parque sanitario de referencia internacional donde la asistencia es una rama imprescindible.
Te detallamos los servicios y las unidades que forman parte del Hospital Vall d'Hebron y las principales enfermedades que tratamos. También te ofrecemos recomendaciones basadas en lo que la evidencia científica ha demostrado eficaz para garantizar el bienestar y la calidad de vida.
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La apuesta por la innovación nos permite estar en vanguardia de la medicina, proporcionando una asistencia de primer nivel y adaptada a las necesidades cambiantes de cada paciente.
Speaker: Dr. Arnau Hervera, main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology, Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Abstract: Sensorimotor diseases including spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, are diseases currently without a cure associated with severe chronic neurological disabilities, including pain or sensory and motor disabilities. Despite recent progress in our understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying some pathophysiological aspects of these diseases, there is still no medical intervention to cure them. The limited success of current therapies and treatments is highly associated with the lack of mechanistic insight in the pathophysiology of these diseases. Since the early days of my research career, I focused on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neural pathologies, from peripheral nerve and spinal cord injuries to autoimmune demyelinating diseases. In that context we identified a novel mechanism involving for the first time neuroimmune crosstalk leading to neuronal regeneration through redox signaling after peripheral injury. We also defined both the neuronal and inflammatory mechanisms that lead the inhibition of HDAC3 to induce axonal regeneration. We also characterized the mechanisms underlying neuronal activity modulation after axonal injury, by optogenetic and chemogenetic means.
Host; Dr. Carmen Espejo, main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology, Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca. Senior researcher at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute since 2014. I develop my research activity in the Clinical Neuroimmunology group – Center d'Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya and my main scientific interest is the study of the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis with the aim to develop new therapeutic strategies.
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