Dra. Ariadna Boloix Amenós

Institutions of which it is part

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders. Specifically, I am working on project based on the development and implementation of RNA-based therapies in clinical practice for the treatment of pediatric solid tumors.


I graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona and next year I studied a master's degree in Biomedicine. In 2015 I started my PhD thesis in collaboration between the Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders group of VHIR and the Nanomol group of ICMAB-CSIC. Since 2019 when I defended the thesis, I continued working in the preclinical development of a nanomedicine based on the use of lipidic nanoparticles conjugated to microRNAs for the treatment of neuroblastoma as well as other diseases that can be treated with RNA-based therapies. The results of this research are patented (WO2020229469) and are currently pending review for publication in the scientific journal Small.
The nucleic acid administration platform developed in the group has generated the interest of different national or International research groups with which we collaborated or are collaborating.
So far, my purpose has been to advance the levels of technological readiness (TRL) of microRNA-based nanomedicine, which has been carried out while participating in entrepreneurship and innovation programs (Seed Knowledge Grants Program 2018; Bcn Activa Pre-acceleration Program and Ignite Health Program organized by Biocat).
Finally, to complement my training in relevant clinical preclinical studies and improve my knowledge of technology transfer, I began a postgraduate specialization in quality management (UOC).
Ariadna Boloix Amenós


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Postdoctoral researcher

Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders

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