Dr. Francesc Miró Mur

Institutions of which it is part

I am a researcher in the lab of "Systemic Autoimmune Diseases" of the VHIR. It is a recent operating team focused in the research of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the pathology of autoimmune diseases such as antiphospholipid syndrome. Previously, as an awarded Biomedical Researcher (PERIS-ICS) I studied the role of immune cells in modulating the inflammation during the acute phase of stroke.


As a biochemist and cell biologist I started my career in basic research and sharing time as a biochemist lecturer at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Regulation of cell function and activity by protein phosphorylation were the aims of my research. I moved to Paris to carry out my postdoctoral research career. My first postdoc was at CNRS-CEA to study the cell cycle progression and apoptosis under the control of p53 tumour suppressor.. In my second postdoc at Institut Curie I made a change starting a research career on immunology, looking into cellular and functional interaction between T lymphocytes and dendritic cells. It was during this amazing stage I collaborated with clinicians and saw the benefits of translational research. I spent two years at Cibbim working as a team leader in projects about molecular mechanisms of inflammation driving to senescence and about immunological basis of adverse reactions to bioimplants. At IRB I took the opportunity of doing a project in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases as infectious agents in amebiasis, and also I turned to neuroimmunology and did research in brain ischemia.

1988-1993 BSc in Biology, speciality Biochemistry. UAB, Barcelona
1992-1993 Undergraduate collaborator, Biochem Dept, UAB
1995 Master Fellow, Laboratoire Cancerogénèse Moléculaire, CNRS-Villejuif, France
1996-1999 Ph.D., Biochem Dept, UAB
2000 Postdoc Researcher, Biochem Dept, Universita di Padova, Italy
2000-2003 Lecturer A3.6, Biochem & Mol Biol, UAB
2001-2003 Postdoc. Researcher, Lab Oncogénèse Moléculaire, CEA-CNRS, France
2003-2006 Postdoc Researcher, Cancer & Immunity Lab, Institut Curie, France
2007-2009 Postdoc Researcher, CIBER-nanomedicine, VHIR, Barcelona
2009-2011 Postdoc Researcher, Gene translation Lab, IRB-Barcelona
2011-2016 Postdoc Researcher, IDIBAPS, Barcelona
2017-2019 PERIS Researcher, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona
Francesc  Miró Mur


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Investigador postdoctoral

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